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Dimetris. Коллекционные цветы Dimetris. Коллекционные цветы Dimetris. Коллекционные цветы Dimetris. Коллекционные цветы Dimetris. Коллекционные цветы Dimetris. Коллекционные цветы

Dimetris.ru – социальная сеть для коллекционеров комнатных растений. Коллекционные цветы. Частные каталоги коллекционеров растений. Блоги, форум любителей цветов. Статьи по выращиванию сенполий, стрептокарпусов, глоксиний,  фуксий и других комнатных растений. Аукцион цветов – эксклюзив, редкости, новинки селекции.

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Главная > Каталог > Стрептокарпусы нашей селекции > Selected Dimetris varieties

Selected Dimetris varieties

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Selected Dimetris varieties → DS-Sunny Hare (Dimetris, 2010)

Selected Dimetris varieties. DS-Sunny Hare (Dimetris, 2010)
Large wavy edged flowers of tender blue tone look fragile, as they include a contrast of sharp darker beams emitting from the yellow soft throat. Graceful flower type is especially characterized with a peculiar oblong shape of lobes. It looks like hare-eared one!

Selected Dimetris varieties → DS-Take Me Now (Dimetris, 2010)

Selected Dimetris varieties. DS-Take Me Now (Dimetris, 2010)
Pavel Enikeev: "This is one of the best red streptocarpus varieties I've ever seen". Compact series. Pure dark red color of flowers is greatly saturated. Environment resistant pigment does preserve itself independently of any conditions. Red background varies by darker leopard type ornament. Wavy edge, slightly fluffy surface of lobes. Neat, compact crown of short oval leaves is disease resistant. Strong flower stems, gladly blooming.

Selected Dimetris varieties → DS-Temptation (Dimetris, 2009)

Selected Dimetris varieties. DS-Temptation (Dimetris, 2009)
Big flowers of pure red saturated color. This is verily red!
Glossy silk of lobe surface is goffered into an elegant edge trim. Strong, medium sized crown produces excellent blossoming.

Selected Dimetris varieties → DS-The Cardinal (Dimetris, 2010)

Selected Dimetris varieties. DS-The Cardinal (Dimetris, 2010)
A striking variety with large (9-10cm) flowers of verily saturated purple color, which is delicately mixed with deep violet and burgundy tones. Darker lines on the creamy white throat are in perfect agreement with an overall color scheme. Long-lived flowers, strong chunky stems, compact crown.

Selected Dimetris varieties → DS-The King (Dimetris, 2010)

Selected Dimetris varieties. DS-The King  (Dimetris, 2010)
Large raspberry /white veined flowers excel with frilly ornate edge of thick petals.

Selected Dimetris varieties → DS-Thunderhead (Dimetris, 2010)

Selected Dimetris varieties. DS-Thunderhead (Dimetris, 2010)
An impressive variety with huge (10-12cm) flowers of a gracefully wavy lobe form. Color saturation of lilac, added with deep violet and burgundy tones, is in harmony with the darker purple lines on the creamy white throat.
Extremely long-lived flowers of thick lobes; strong chunky stems, compact mighty crown.

Selected Dimetris varieties → DS-Une Femme d'Aventure (Dimetris, 2010)

Selected Dimetris varieties. DS-Une Femme d_Aventure (Dimetris, 2010)
The Alchemist series. Large fragrant flowers open lilac blue, repainting rose by the time they mature. Utterly wavy edge, netting decour, spectacular color scheme including a creamy yellow background of lower lobs. Gladly blossomed variety.

Selected Dimetris varieties → DS-Valkyrie (Dimetris, 2009)

Selected Dimetris varieties. DS-Valkyrie (Dimetris, 2009)
The way a valkyrie image comes into being out of the snowy remoteness of Scandinavian Mythology, so does a color of black blood born in the white crater of these majestic flowers: it weaves a web of temptation in a form of fine netting to spread over the red background.

Selected Dimetris varieties → DS-Volcano of Passions (Dimetris, 2008)

Selected Dimetris varieties. DS-Volcano of Passions (Dimetris, 2008)
Big red flowers with rippled edge accentuated with darker veining.
The passion erupted from our virginity then been frozen in mood of some intriguing.

Selected Dimetris varieties → DS-Yellow Eye Night (Dimetris, 2010)

Selected Dimetris varieties. DS-Yellow Eye Night (Dimetris, 2010)
Great big, deep violet flowers decorated with even more dark veining pattern; a thick textured surface of lobes is emphasize with their pronounced fringed borders. A paleness of the moon-looking "eye" is saturated with rich yellow streaks of color.

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Сенполии: стандартные сорта. Arcturus
Сенполии: стандартные сорта. Cosmic Girl (Е.Архипов)
Selected Dimetris varieties. DS-Polar Summer (Dimetris, 2010)
Сенполии: стандартные сорта. ЕК-Фарфоровая Мадонна (Коршунова)
Сенполии: стандартные сорта. ЕК-Шанхайская Роза (Коршунова)
Стрептокарпусы. Franken Border Line (F. Davies/K. Jones)
Сенполии: мини, полумини. Rob’s Dandy Lion (Robinson)

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